Monday, December 22, 2014

12 Days of Christmas

We had beautiful weather for the week of Christmas
and decided to take advantage of the weather 
and Grandma visiting
to go see the 12 days of Christmas at the
Dallas Arboretum
It was great!
Twelve Drummers Drumming

Two Turtle Doves

A stop at an educational exhibit about birds and nests
here is Katie inside a bird nest

Four calling birds

F-I-V-E golden rings

Six geese a laying

Seven swans a swimming

Family photo in the Arboretum!

Eight maids a milking

Nine ladies dancing

Another shot of the family

Eleven pipers piping

Jacob thought the Arboretum was really cool

Me and Mom enjoying the afternoon of sun and Christmas music

The Children's garden was really great
We only made it through about half but what
we saw was really cool and I can't wait to go back

Nikki really enjoyed the First Garden 

Making star angels

Grandma laid an egg

Little Nikki and a huge flower pot
How cute is that!

And a partridge in a pear tree!

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