Saturday, May 28, 2016

End of the year

The end of the year is finally here!
It really seems like school just started but
I am so ready for summer!
The girls both had awards day
I am so proud of my girls - they received academic awards
and awards that show they are kind and patient

We won the lottery when we got Ms. Cywinski for second grade
We are so lucky that our paths crossed
She encouraged Katie to learn more and I am so proud

Nikki had a great first year of school
I don't know why I was so nervous
She worked hard and is reading and writing and
made a lot of friends

We also got to celebrate Nikki and her class
graduating to first grade

They sang us songs that made us all cry
and then they all got their certificates

So proud of everything this little girl accomplished this year

"Goodbye Kindergarten...Moving on to First Grade"!!!!!

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