Sunday, March 10, 2019

Catch up on School news

Katy had her Sky Ranch trip.
5th grade takes 4 days at camp to 
learn about environmental science.
The kids had a great time!  I loved seeing my daughter
hanging out with her friends and realizing that she
is the amazing person I raised.
Speaking of amazing persons... In 3rd grade the kids
pick a person (alive or dead) who was influential.
Nikki picked Susan B Anthony!
"Why?" her teacher asked "Because she gave voices to 
those without voices"  -Love that kid!

More amazing news from the school-front.
Katy participated in UIL (I will admit that I had no idea what
this was when she signed up)
She placed 5th in art appreciation and her team took 1st!
Great job!

 Also the school host a World Party night
the kids spend a lot of time researching
life in different parts of the world.
Nikki researched India

 And Katy was researching Art in Peru

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